L”Isola delle Storie XVIII


Cultural Association

Lughené was founded in 2009 by Davide Meloni and Francesca Frongia. Its activities are designed for children and are aimed at promoting reading, developing artistic abilities and creativity, and eliciting amazement through shows, art exhibitions, workshops and activities focused on observation and exploration. In 2013, the association developed “L’arte di raccontare con le immagini”, a project dedicated to great contemporary illustrators. The picture book is the starting point of each new project, as Lughené believes that high-quality illustrations can educate the taste even among younger audiences. This year, the association will once again curate the Festival’s kids stand.

Official website: lughene.blogspot.it

04/07 - ore 18:22

Ex Caserma

Il mondo (che) parte da un libro

Mostra Bibliografica a cura dell’Associazione Culturale Lughenè

04/07 - ore 18:24

Ex Caserma

Solo una noche

Mostra Bibliografica a cura dell’Associazione Culturale Lughenè, omaggio ad Andrea Antinori

05/07 - ore 10:30

Sala Mostra - Ex Caserma


Visita guidata alla mostra “Stardust”

con Davide Meloni

a cura dell’Associazione Culturale Lughenè 

Per tutte le età
07/07 - ore 10:30

Sala Mostra - Ex Caserma


Visita guidata alla mostra “Stardust”

con Davide Meloni

a cura dell’Associazione Culturale Lughenè 

Per tutte le età
07/07 - ore 11:30

Casa Maoddi Palco Esterno

Davide Meloni incontra Andrea Antinori

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