Marco Presta
Marco Presta was born in Rome in 1961. After graduating from the Silvio D’Amico Academy of Dramatic Arts, he has worked with Luca Ronconi, Aldo Trionfo, Lorenzo Salveti, and Andrea Camilleri. As a playwright, he has written various comedies, including Frankensteinmusical for Tullio Solenghi (with music by Daniele Silvestri), Troppo Buono for Giulio Scarpati, L’Ultimo Italiano, and Anche se sei stonato, in which he also starred as the protagonist. As a screenwriter, he has worked on the first season of Un Medico in Famiglia and on Pazza Famiglia with Enrico Montesano, both aired on the Italian television channel Rai Uno. He has contributed to the screenplay for Opopomoz, an animated movie by Enzo D’Alò. He has authored several TV programs, writing for Luciana Littizzetto, Neri Marcorè, Flavio Insinna, and many others. Presta works for Il Messaggero and, since 1995, has been the co-author and host, along with Antonello Dose, of the radio program Il Ruggito del Coniglio, broadcast on the Italian radio station Rai-Radio Due and the winner of several national awards. With Einaudi, he has published the collection of short stories Il Paradosso Terrestre, the novels Un calcio in bocca fa miracoli, Il piantagrane, L’allegria degli angoli, Accendimi, Il prigioniero dell’interno 7, Verso l’abisso fischiettando, and the semiserious diary Fate come se non ci fossi.
Giardino Comunale Binzadonnia
Verso l’abisso fischiettando
di e con Marco Presta