Nicoletta Verna
Nicoletta Verna (Forlì, 1976) is a writer with a degree in Communication Science. She lives in
Florence, where she works on web marketing in the publishing industry. She authored essays and
books on media and mass culture. She wrote stories for magazines such as Pastrengo, Carie
letterarie, Narrandom and Risme. She published her debut novel Il valore affettivo (Einaudi, 2021
and 2024) for the Einaudi Stile Libero book series, for which she received an honorable mention at
the Premio Calvino and with which she won the Premio Severino Cesari and the Premio Massarosa.
Her latest novel is I giorni di Vetro (Einaudi, 2024).
07/07 - ore 10:00
Dal balcone
S’Antana ’E Susu
Universi al femminile
Elvira Serra incontra Nicoletta Verna