L”Isola delle Storie XVIII
Saif ur Rehman Raja

Saif ur Rehman Raja


Saif Ur Rehman Raja was born in 1994 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He moved to Belluno when he was
eleven years old and has been living in Bologna since he was twenty. He graduated in Education
Science with a thesis titled Tradimento e gelosia nelle monogamie e non monogamie, which
allowed him to win the UAAR degree award. In the past, he took part in research projects with the
University of Bologna on Pakistani families living in Italy, and he is currently studying for a Ph.D.
on Apprendimento e innovazione in contesti sociali e di lavoro at the University of Siena. His field
of research mainly concerns Multiculturality and Critical Race Theory, with particular emphasis on
power dynamics and on racialisation practices as a means used by the European ruling class to
maintain the status quo of whiteness. He was nominated for the 2022 Premio Calvino and was one
of the finalists for the 2023 Premio Calvino Racconti with his Un musulmano frocio.

07/07 - ore 17:15
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Mesu Bidda


Sarah Savioli dialoga con Saif ur Rehman Raja e Samuele Cornalba

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