Cooperativa Mediateche Sarde
Comes (Cooperativa Mediateche Sarde—Sardinian Media Cooperatives) was founded in Sassari in 1999 and has since created in Sardinia a space for an integrated and innovative dialogue on culture and identity. It is a reality that, since its very beginning, has been able to flourish and to outline a precise, wide-ranging vision while remaining deeply rooted in the territory.
This is how Comes is able today to offer users a wide range of services and to suggest and manage numerous cultural, social, and educational activities designed for children, young people, and adults. A daily commitment aimed at enhancing our “cultures”, at protecting our historical and social heritage, while also spreading new and current approaches to our time, in the name of three important key words: culture, identity, and innovation.
Sala 4 - 1° Piano Ex Caserma
Vorrei essere un fiore
Letture “Crescere lettori”
a cura di Comes