L”Isola delle Storie XVIII
Istituto Slovacco a Roma

Istituto Slovacco a Roma

Culture is the essential vehicle through which different countries grow and mutually enrich each other, and it is therefore a constitutive part of any foreign policy aimed at asserting the political and economic interests of different countries. It is by starting from this fundamental assumption that the Slovak Institute in Rome, established in 2001, aims to organize a wide range of ventures which promote interchange in the fields of culture and foreign policy, as well as in the economic-entrepreneurial sector.
The Slovak Institute in Rome started this project by reconstructing the historical and current connections between Slovakia and Italy, highlighting the common heritage between the two countries, and supporting intercultural exchange and positive confrontation. Our institution is ready to welcome and spread the cultural contribution of Slovak personalities related to Italy in the political, cultural, artistic, and social fields — Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Štefan Osudský, Alexander Dubček, Eugen Cernan, or artistic talents like Ladislav Mednyánzský, Ernest Zmeták, Koloman Sokol, Andy Warhol. To further develop the Slovak-Italian relationship, our main goal is to depict Slovakia as a modern European country with an ancient history, and large and promising cultural perspectives.


05/07 - ore 17:15
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Mesu Bidda


Sarah Savioli dialoga con Angela Lehner e Jana Karšaiová

traduce Ada Vallorani

in collaborazione con Forum Austriaco di Cultura Roma e Istituto Slovacco a Roma

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